Minggu, 26 September 2010


" Hanya ada nada yang sama..
Instrumen yang sama..
Tak bisakah mengumandangkan simfoni yang memukau ? "

By : Andrei Aksana

After read a novel by Andrei Aksana,
the story really open up my mind about the other side of lifestyle.

God created us different.
Each individual unique.
Everything that happens in this world, all of God's permission

All people have same rights in romance,
no matter the gender male or female.
Even sex orientation, gay or normal.

They are ENTITLED to fall in love.

Rabu, 11 Agustus 2010


   Lagi dan lagi film bertemakan agen hadir kembali, setelah SALT sekarang ada KILLERS. Film yang bergenre komedi ini dibumbui dengan action yang bisa dikatakan "boleh lah". Film garapan sutradara Robert Luketic ini dibintangi oleh bintang - bintang yang cukup menggoda pada bulan puasa ini, yaitu Ashton Kucher yang semakin seksi tiap film - filmnya dan Katherine Heigl.

   Film Killers ini menceritakan tentang kisah seorang wanita bernama Jen Kornfeldt (Katherine Heigl) yang baru saja putus dengan pacarnya. Jen dan keluarganya berlibur ke Eropa, di sinilah ia bertemu dengan sosok pria tampan dengan tubuh yang seksi menggoda. Sosok pria ini ternyata adalah seorang agen bernama Spencer Aimes (Ashton Kutcher) yang sedang bertugas melakukan pembunuhan yang ternyata targetnya itu adalah ayahnya Jen.

   Akhirnya mereka pun saling suka. Spencer pun memutuskan untuk meninggalan pekerjaannya dan menikah dengan Jen. Namun ada satu hal yang Jen tidak tahu, yang akan membuat mereka berdua berada dalam bahaya. Bahwa suaminya adalah seorang agen internasional yang sekarang menjadi target pembunuhan.

   Menurut opini saya, film ini sebenarnya memiliki cerita yang standar, leluconnya pun biasa saja. Tapi berkat akting Katherine Heigl. Saya berhasil ketawa, ekspresi mimik wajahnya benar - benar bisa bikin orang tertawa. Ditambah dengan Ashton Kutcher yang sangat sedap dipandang mata. Berkat kedua bintang ini, film ini menjadi menarik. Mereka berdua merupakan pasangan yang sangat cocok di scene ;)

*FYI : Hati - hati buat perempuan, bakalan ngiler dan terpana liat body nya Asthon Kutcher di sini. hehe

Kamis, 05 Agustus 2010


The sexiest lips Angelina Jolie is BACK. After the movie Wanted (2008), now the sexiest lips with her new film titled SALT. It's action genre. In a film directed by Phillip Noyce, Angelina Jolie acts as a double agent (Evelyn Salt).  Actually Salt agent is caught between two countries, and conspiracy made her a scapegoat.

As an opening scene in this film, Evelyn Salt that has been arrested and tortured by the North Korean military. finally released after exchange prisoners taken by the partners in the CIA Ted (Liv Schreiber). During in North Kora Salt interrogated and tortured. Salt has been married to a German expert on spiders, Mike (August Diehl).

The conflict began when a Russian deserter named Orov told that there would be a big event is the murder of the Russian President by a double agent inside the CIA. A Russian-trained agents, namely Evelyn Salt. Then there was chasing a large - scale conducted by the CIA to capture Salt.

Many scenes in this film - a suspenseful action scene, bringing us lost in every scene. Road stories always make us curious.Film presented is very interesting, actually makes us always think of this Salt agents actually a double agent or not.

Again and again Angelina Jolie plays a successful as Salt Evelyn character in this film.
Two thumbs up for this sexy lips women

you better watch it guys ;)

*FYI : all stunt acts done by Angelina Jolie

Minggu, 01 Agustus 2010

Regret ..

Regret always comes later ..

Yup,, that quote is always right.
Why when I was in high school are very unstable, because of simply diagnosis I was hopeless and I direct a total blank ..
This proved very influential to this day

I still have not found passion with major which I took now.

As a result, already two years running, so far I can still survive. But it was never satisfactory results. I think this is a time during college where I actually was at the bottom of a round wheel.

I only have two more years time. If next semester I'm still the same, no progress .. My future is threatened dark. :(

Sometimes I want to leave everything. Live according to my own desires and wishes. But this is life, should be passed even though it was not fun at all ..

Selasa, 27 Juli 2010

SHISHA VS ROKOK (english version)

      Cigarettes are a common thing and maybe it can be said, cigarettes has become a way of life today. At every turn we see people who are smoking. We have a lot to know what it was cigarettes, the content in cigarettes and the dangers of smoking itself. However, what about the shisha? Most people's perceptions about the shisha is like smoking, but has a flavor that varies and is not dangerous. Is that true? Hmmm let's discuss.

      Shisha / Hookah itself comes from the Persian language has meaning goblets. Meaning of the hookah or shisha equally refer to the forms, how to suck, as well as the water content filters.

      Many assumed that the content of the water used in the hookah / shisha functions as a filter which filters harmful toxins contained in tobacco shisha (the filtering). No wonder if the habit of sucking the shisha / hookah is also an option for young people today than to smoke cigarettes that contain toxins known to be dangerous. Now many of the café - which already provides a shisha café this as a menu mainstay. Shisha pipe with a unique shape and taste are varied, making people look to take a bite.

      But there is a new research which states that the shisha and cigarettes containing tobacco are equally high levels of carbon monoxide so that harm health. Research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association study was indeed only one kind of poisonous gas only. Making it impossible to compare directly the impact of the use sisha with cigarette smoke. [1]

      "Even so, this research at least gives a warning to lovers sisha to think twice about sucking the pipe. Enjoying sisha is not a risk-free activity as they think. Its use is really not safe for health, "said study author S. Katharine Hammond, head of the division of environmental health sciences at the University of California, Berkeley.

      To prove the content of toxins in sisha, Hammond involving 27 students who used to suck sisha for an hour in three different nights in April 2006. Five other students who did not use the hookah is also involved in research. But they must live together in the room when the students smoked sisha.

      Participants are required to be free from sisha during the 84 hours before the research was done. Then, participants inside the vacuum pipe containing water and 10 grams of Al Fakher tobacco is tobacco that is heated mu'assal using charcoal.

      Researchers then monitor the content of carbon monoxide on two groups of participants before and after using a machine designed to detect smokers.

      Average carbon monoxide in participants reached 42 ppm, much higher than those found in cigarette smokers (17 ppm). Research also found increased levels of carbon monoxide in the room where the participants are sucking the hookah and can even reach the level of adverse environmental health.
      Hammond says it can not directly compare the use sisha / hookah with smoking cigarettes, which clearly contains many toxins. In addition, it is still difficult to know exactly what hookah use of forms that can increase the risk of lung disease or heart

      "Hookah / sisha probably will not make you lung cancer, but it will affect your health in other ways," he said.

      Meanwhile, Thomas Eissenberg, professor of psychology at Virginia Commonwealth University are also researching the use of shisha, said that his research shows that suck sisha for 45 minutes to produce the amount of 36 times more tar than smoking for five minutes. [1]

     "Tar containing compound which is a key element of smoke that can cause cancer. Even so it is unclear whether different types of tar in the tar sisha on cigarettes, "he said. (HealthDay News/AC)
      Based on the recognition of the Operations Manager Shisha Cafe in Kemang area, Ahmad Sofyan. Of all the visitors, about 80% of them are not the exploiters of their usual cigarettes. [2]

      "More than half the audience of Shisha Cafe are women, approximately 80% of visitors were non-smokers," he said.
      So we can conclude, most consume shisha are mostly passive smokers. According to them, does not cause shortness of shisha in the chest and can relax the mind with a fragrance. And the problem of who is more dangerous still in question because research based on those above, there is still doubt in statementnya about shisha.
      So, if you consume shisha, better regulated consume of shisha. From every other day  to once a week. So we still can enjoy a shisha.


[1] http://www2.kompas.com/ver1/Kesehatan/0801/07/105714.htm
[2] Koran Tempo

Christina Aguilera {Bi~ΟΠ~iC} Second Video You Lost Me

Finally, after Not Myself Tonight.. Our lovely Christina Aguilera presents the second clip from {Bi~ΟΠ~iC}  YOU LOST ME..

You Lost Me is ballad song, some people say it's 'Hurt' song in {Bi~ΟΠ~iC}album. This song tells about a guy who had an affair and then finally dumped her. The lyrics so touchy. In this song, again,  she shows her amazing voice.

It's totally different with Not Myself Tonight video, in You Lost Me Christina Aguilera wearing fairly decent black and white dress and the video using light game. There's no sexy 'things' like in Not Myself Tonight video.

Here are some pictures from the making of You Lost Me video :

simple black dress combined wtih simple make up and it's TOTALLY AWESOME !!

Now, you can watch You Lost Me video in youtube, VEVO, Chistina Aguilera website and many more..
Come on let's see and enjoy this video..
Feel the emotion from the lyrics and clip, at the end you will satisfied :)

Selasa, 20 Juli 2010


Suddenly tonight i remember someone ever told me :

" there's only one God in the sky, 
not two. just like our heart, there's only one love in our hurt "

Okey, akhirnya gw sadar kenapa gw bisa menjomblo secara resmi selama 2 tahun ini. even there's a lot of people come near to me. ya, saya akui saya sayang mereka, tapi im just not in to them. there's no love between us. jadi banyak penolakan yang gw lakukan.

i realize until now i only love one person. just YOU.Ada beberapa teman berkata i'm blind, blind because love. But I think Dia it's different with other that i ever met.

" Dia dewasa, wise, has principe and theory, dreamer, hard worker, religius, has good voice, in my eyes Dia sangatlah perfect.The one that i wanna spend all my life with :D " 

but to be with Dia it's so dificult, dia sangatlah perfect dan too much rivals that i've to beat it. Dari yang masih ABG labil sampe yang udah tua pun chasing Dia. I allow 2 more years my heart for Dia. I'll make you mine ;)

cause every part of me is longing to love someone, to hold some one.
i waited patiently not knowing where i belong.
i'm hoping for someone new, that someone is 

Selasa, 29 Juni 2010

The Sweetest Hurt

God hurting my heart in fun way..
God using " YOU " to hurt me, Bunciit

Christina Aguilera - Lift Me Up

Lift Me Up

So the pain begins
As the music fades
And I'm left here with
With more than I can take

If you lift me up
Just get me through this night
I know I'll rise tomorrow
And I'll be strong enough to try

When the static clears
And all is said and done
I will realize
That we all need someone

If you lift me up
Just get me through this night
I know i'll rise tomorrow
And I'll be strong enough to try

So when you see me crashing
And there's nowhere left to fall
Will you lift me even higher
To rise above this all

If you lift me up
If you lift me up
Said if you lift me up
Will you lift me higher

When you see me crashing
And theres nowhere left to fall
Will you lift me even higher
To rise above this all

If you lift me up
Said if you lift me up
If you lift me up
Just get me through this night

Senin, 28 Juni 2010

Weak and Spoiled ? Yup, that's me ..

Yes, I'm weak .. I'm spoiled..
Finally I confess it all.
I'm good in individual, but I can't be the best if I'm individual.

Udah terlihat banget faktanya, yaitu : saat saya di perkuliahan. Udah 2 tahun, saya menginjak dunia perkuliahan. Saya bisa survive di kampus dan IPK saya termasuk dalam zona aman. But I really wanna taste the incredible zone.

Ini sangat berkebalikan disaat saya di bangku sekolah. I'm not soooooooooooo famous in high school or junior high school, but I'm in famous zone. And what about my score ?? hmmm.. My score ? Don't ever ask about it. Saya pernah menjadi perwakilan sekolah untuk olimpiade Math. Saya pernah berada di posisi puncak. UAN saya meraih 2 nilai sempurna (10) di subject B.Inggris and Math. I'm the only one in my school who got that score :D (lil' bit show off gapapa yaahh,, heheh).

Hidup saya memiliki alasan dan tujuan yang ingin saya raih saat itu. Sekarang pun saya memiliki tujuan yang ingin saya raih. Tetapi, ada suatu hal yang membedakannya, yaitu : now ga ada yang menyemangatin saya untuk meraih tujuan saya.

Ok, my parent of course always support me.
But personal private support yang bisa menyemangatin tiap harinya = NONE.

That's why I'm spoiled. Saya masih tergantung, saya masih membutuhkan private support, and I really miss dimanja. hahhahha :D
Dan karena kurangnya support tersebut, saya merasa sangat weak banget di Surabaya. Tapi, seperti di tulisan saya sebelum - sebelumnya.

I'm not showing my weakness.
I pretend that I'm OK.
I can handle it all.
You know, I'm good in this scene.
I'm good actor if you remember that :D

Rabu, 23 Juni 2010

Now she is as MADAM X


From : http://cdn.buzznet.com/media-cdn/jj1/headlines/2010/03/christina-aguilera-bionic-album-cover.jpg 

Christina Aguilera finally banged the back of international music industry. After four years of the previous album, Back to Basic.
Christina Aguilera --> Xtina --> Baby Jane -->and now Madam X presents her new album : {Bi~ΟΠ~iC}. Not Christina if she does not show something new. Yup,, that's our lovely Xtina.. Always give the new "thing" in her album.

from : http://www.shoppingblog.com/pics/christina_aguilera_bionic_image.jpg 

In her new album, {Bi~ΟΠ~iC} is a very unique album with many style and genres of music.
Madam X presents something fresh, more vocal in explore and accompanied with various touches of music, electronic and organic elements. Just like in many albums before, in every each Christina's album are telling us about her life.In this album tells the story of his life which has now become a wife, actress and mother of his first son with Jordan Bratman, that's Max Liron Bratman.

from : http://www2.pictures.zimbio.com/fp/Christina+Aguilera+Taking+Son+Pumpkin+Patch+ESa_rLQkTKMl.jpg 

{Bi~ΟΠ~iC} has been released since July 8, 2010.with the first single Not Myself Tonight is already out since April 13, 2010. This album contains 18 main songs with five additional songs in deluxe album. Several other singles who have ever Madam X display areWoohoo, Bionic (in MMA 2010), You Lost Me (American Idol), and many more.

Both from MMA 2010
As my opinon about this album, overall it's so GOOOOOOOD !!! so yummy for listening, and I'm sure you'll be satisfied with her lovely voice..
so, for you who don't have {Bi~ΟΠ~iC} CD.. Just grab it in the CD Store nearby..
It's already available now !!!!!

The " IT " Guy

Noah Mills 
From : https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjevHt2HQAuCwyPU3uJUnwM3sGm3MAb2D7qRKtzEgNhK35KUrUoZW_i0eoxQTRcW5tWzmBIUwdfzp-dpT_SW2bpnlH8f_wWBmWbvgj5muXBrybdaGZsMDXQcBLdkeG1ZWM-zoSy_XJPrVWq/s1600/24239_381518676874_580401874_4162159_4974358_n.jpg 

Noah Mills is a model who was born in Baltimore, Maryland (USA) in 1985. Raised in Vancouver, British Columbia. Likes to play basketball and have an interest in psychology and acting.
With a height of 188 cm, Noah Mills is one model that is "in"current.

Several fashion company, such as:  Dolce & Gabbana, Versace dan Michael Kors using this hot and handsome model ;)

 from : http://www.yvymag.com/wp-content/uploads/dl31.jpg

from : https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi7qx00PinrxXwWZ5ITl9j0rbB0Zey-f1H6t2X7GqHIQzfjiLYXe46s1p_NlPl8RKeT9_LmqvPyrXeh4w1_a6URldSH-UQyXvMIAfWh2BMcwQjZT75rizqFIBFmGkUMbINR0gSIG4KhF-wB/s1600/GQ16507-3.jpg 

Beside being a model for several prominent fashion company. We can see Noah's acting in Sex and The City 2 movie. In SATC 2, Noah Mills role as brother of the bride in that gay wedding. In this movie too, Noah play as young hot guy partner of Kim Cattrall (Samantha Jones)

From : http://www.homorazzi.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/sex-and-the-city-2-samantha-man.jpg

Sex and The City 2

     After succses with the first, Sex and The City, Warner Bros. Pictures back with Sex and The City 2.The movie by Michael Patrick King was a concern amongst movie lovers. Especially among women. Still with typical Manhattan fashion and life.
     In SATC 2 movie, presents back (Sarah Jessica Parker), Samantha (Kim Cattrall), Charlotte (Kristin Davis) and Miranda (Cynthia Nixon).

    1. Carrie (Sarah Jessica Parker), being stepped on two years in his home life with the Big (Chris Noth) was having a little problem.
    2. Miranda (Cynthia Nixon), finally decided to exit from the firm where she worked as a lawyer. Due to too much pressure exerted by her boss.
    3. Charlotte (Kristin Davis), is a housewife who has a problem with her two toddlers who fuss and a nanny who does not use a bra. She afraid the nanny will flirt to her husband.
    4. Samantha (Kim Cattral), still as the only single who coquettish, flirty, and wanton. With age that can be said already half a century. She still looks hot.
*probably because the diligent use of cream - cream hormone time ya ? hehe*

    Brief synopsis about this film. This movie start with Samanta as a publisher invited to the premiere event. In this premiere event, she was introduced by a film producer who asked Samantha to publish about his new hotel in Abu Dhabi. Eventually this the four women would be visiting Abu Dhabi with a first class service. So, began the adventures of four women in Abu Dhabi. A place that is very different from Manhattan, New York and can change their views.

    Not Sex and the City if not present fashion parades that make the eyes of the astonished woman. Broken white dress used when opening a simple dress with a very good and interesting. Coupled with the emergence of a new actor who has basic as model, Noah Mills which looks very charming and seductive.  Even just 2 scene, This handsome model looks quite stunning to say.

    Many cultures are featured in this film. Gay life and culture of Islam. The film is enough to make us to look at a culture and give us input on life.

*Pic from : http://img.thesun.co.uk/multimedia/archive/01003/Sex_And_The_City_2_1003120a.jpg

Selasa, 20 April 2010

Breaking The Rules

What a day ?!
Baru kali ini saya diusir dari kampus saya sendiri hanya karena masalah outfit saja.
Baik akan saya jelaskan what I was wear this morning :
- astro boy t-shirt
- grey shorts
- black sandals
See,, padahal itu outfit standar..

Tujuan saya ke kampus juga hanya menunggu emyu, mila dan archi untuk melakukan observasi tugas TTC.
Kenapa pihak institut lebih tepatnya jurusan saya ini terlalu mengikat masalah outfit ?
Seharusnya as long as it polite outfit ya silakan saja kan.
Saya tidak mengenakan pakaian yang mempertontonkan aurat padahal.

Too much rule, that's why we love to break the rules :D

Di universitas lain yang sama - sama PTN terbaik di Surabaya, tidak memiliki rules yang seketat itu masalah what do you wear dll.

Fashion show you personality and your mood. But the most important is it show your taste and level.

Lazy day or Sleepyhead ?!

Today was a lazy day ..
Tadi saat bangun pagi hari, awan diluar mendung ditambah hawa dingin. Benar - benar membuat malas beranjak dari kasur. Ditambah - tambah masih mengantuk, karena semalamnya menonton valencia vs real madrid (again)
I don't know, I'm so addict to Valencia since couple month ago.

Saat dikampus, kuliah manajemen proyek (manpro). Hasrat ingin tidur tambah besar aja. Kondisi kelas AC + Fan, beuhh !!
Great Combination !!
Hawanya jadi dingin - dingin semiliwiirrrr gimana gitu. Hahaha
Alhasil di dalam kelas kekuatan mata hanya 7%. Sedikit-sedikit mencolong tidur di kelas.
Sehabis kuliah manpro, saya ada kuliah Statistik Industri jam 2 siang. Sedangkan sekarang baru jam 12, jadi saya pulang.
Sesampai di kosan, saya makan..
And can you imagine ?!

When I ate,, suddenly I fell a sleep.
I sleep when I had lunch !!

Lalu, saya terbangun tepat jam 2 dan langsung berangkat ke kampus. Ternyata di kelas pun tak guna, hanya 15 menit mengajar !! Then go home..
Tahu gitu saya tidur saja.

Alhasil saya pulang dan tidur hingga jam 8an..

Today was a lazy day and absolutely sleep day for me.
Hope you all get lazy day too ..

Gossip Boy

Saya sangat senang dengan film-film dan juga serial. Banyak harapan serta mimpi - mimpi yang bermunculan setelah saya menonton suatu film ataupun serial.

Sometimes I feel, I wanna live just like in the movie and serials that I've watch.

Sekarang, saya sedang mengikuti sebuah serial yang sangat seru menurut saya, yaitu Gossip Girl..

I know it's kinda weird, a boy watch Gossip Girl ?!
(Thanks to Daning for introducing Gossip Girl to me)

Ketika pertama kali saya mendengar tentang Gossip Girl, di kepala saya membayangkan suatu serial yang so girly banget dan saat itu saya sangat tidak tertarik sama sekali. But, when Daning told a main story of that serial, I lil' bit curious. Jadi, dari ke curiousan itulah awalnya.

Gossip Girl menceritakan tentang kehidupan di kota Manhattan New York upper east side, kemewahan, persahabatan, percintaan, dan lain-lain just like another serial, such as: The OC. Dibintangi dengan para pemain muda yang menarik, yaitu Blake Lively, Leighton Meester, Pen Badgley, Chace .
Alasan saya meninggalkan The OC dan lari ke Gossip Girl dikarenakan pemain-pemain di Gossip Girl lebih menarik dibandingkan The OC (but I still adore you Rachel Bilson :*) hehe.
Cerita Gossip Girl menarik, mungkin karena I live in city not near any beach. Jadi saya masih bisa merasakannya.

Dari Gossip Girl ini saya juga belajar tentang kehidupan, lifestyle, and it's so entertaining serial, love it.

Sometimes I wanna live just like Dan n Chuck.

Ok that's my next target, live like Chuck Bass and Dan Humprey.. :)

* disarankan untuk menonton Gossip Girl, bakalan ketagihan ;)

Senin, 19 April 2010

a Good Actor

Banyak orang yang mengira kalau saya adalah orang yang bahagia, mempunyai kehidupan menyenangkan. Padahal banyak rasa kecewa, penyesalan, dan kesedihan yang saya alami.

Tapi saya tidak dapat meluapkan semuanya seperti kebanyakan orang, yang dapat dengan mudah meluapkan semuanya dengan menceritakan ke berbagai macam orang. Saya bukan seseorang yang ingin menarik perhatian.
Ok saya akui saya sangat "picky" dalam memilih orang untuk dipercaya. Selama hampir 20 tahun saya hidup di dunia ini, hanya 3orang tempat saya berkeluh kesah, tapi tetap saya tidak menceritakan semuanya ke mereka.

" Each person only know a part of my problems.
So, if you wanna know about all my problems and the truth about me you've to join it from the three of them."

Dipikir - pikir nampaknya saya memiliki sedikit sifat introvert dalam diri saya.
Alasan utamanya karena saya tidak ingin dikasihani oleh orang lain dan tidak ingin menambah beban orang lain.
Saya senang terlihat sebagai orang yang bahagia just like I don't have any big problem that stuck in my head.

Heyyy I'm like a great ACTOR, right ?

Kapan-kapan coba casting ke PH - PH ah..
Hehehe *joking
Karena rasa kasihan dari orang lain itu bagi saya hanya membuat saya jadi lebih sedih dan kecewa akan diri saya.

( dengan the best Nadia :* )

I try to enjoy my life, always thankful to God even there's a big rocks in my head. :)