Selasa, 20 Juli 2010


Suddenly tonight i remember someone ever told me :

" there's only one God in the sky, 
not two. just like our heart, there's only one love in our hurt "

Okey, akhirnya gw sadar kenapa gw bisa menjomblo secara resmi selama 2 tahun ini. even there's a lot of people come near to me. ya, saya akui saya sayang mereka, tapi im just not in to them. there's no love between us. jadi banyak penolakan yang gw lakukan.

i realize until now i only love one person. just YOU.Ada beberapa teman berkata i'm blind, blind because love. But I think Dia it's different with other that i ever met.

" Dia dewasa, wise, has principe and theory, dreamer, hard worker, religius, has good voice, in my eyes Dia sangatlah perfect.The one that i wanna spend all my life with :D " 

but to be with Dia it's so dificult, dia sangatlah perfect dan too much rivals that i've to beat it. Dari yang masih ABG labil sampe yang udah tua pun chasing Dia. I allow 2 more years my heart for Dia. I'll make you mine ;)

cause every part of me is longing to love someone, to hold some one.
i waited patiently not knowing where i belong.
i'm hoping for someone new, that someone is 

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