Kamis, 05 Agustus 2010


The sexiest lips Angelina Jolie is BACK. After the movie Wanted (2008), now the sexiest lips with her new film titled SALT. It's action genre. In a film directed by Phillip Noyce, Angelina Jolie acts as a double agent (Evelyn Salt).  Actually Salt agent is caught between two countries, and conspiracy made her a scapegoat.

As an opening scene in this film, Evelyn Salt that has been arrested and tortured by the North Korean military. finally released after exchange prisoners taken by the partners in the CIA Ted (Liv Schreiber). During in North Kora Salt interrogated and tortured. Salt has been married to a German expert on spiders, Mike (August Diehl).

The conflict began when a Russian deserter named Orov told that there would be a big event is the murder of the Russian President by a double agent inside the CIA. A Russian-trained agents, namely Evelyn Salt. Then there was chasing a large - scale conducted by the CIA to capture Salt.

Many scenes in this film - a suspenseful action scene, bringing us lost in every scene. Road stories always make us curious.Film presented is very interesting, actually makes us always think of this Salt agents actually a double agent or not.

Again and again Angelina Jolie plays a successful as Salt Evelyn character in this film.
Two thumbs up for this sexy lips women

you better watch it guys ;)

*FYI : all stunt acts done by Angelina Jolie

2 komentar:

  1. kalo lihat dari review yang lain sih, film ini biasa aja. cuman yang bikin bagus ya si tomb raider nya ini yang maen. katanya sih gitu. oia yang review cewek. dan dia udah seirng banget review film.

  2. kalo menurut aku sendiri si.. ceritanya juga menarik dibandingkan inception. cerita ini juga membuat kita berpikir, tapi kita dapat point nya dari film ini.
    dan merasa puas pas endingnya saat tebakan kita selama nonton film ini ternyata benar or salah..

    saya sarankan anda menontonnya deh, supaya bisa menyimpulknnya sendiri :)

    thks for commentnya yaa..
